A Little About Me . . .

     While talking with a friend this week, I mentioned that I struggle with topics for the blog. My friend's advice? To share a little about myself and my writing journey. So, here goes!

     Some basic stuff:
     Favorite color: blue and green
     Favorite food: anything chocolate! (Also, I love coffee!)
     Favorite tv show: Once Upon A Time (sadly, the last season)
     Current favorite book series: Storm Siren (I've read it twice. I feel round three coming on.)

     I was born in Indiana. I still live in the same county. There were four of us kids in the house growing up. I joke that a come from a "very blended" family because I have a number of siblings but we did not all live together.
Image may contain: 4 people A throwback photo. I'm the awkward one in the black jacket.
 Image may contain: 6 people, including Candice Rogers, Jessica McCarty, Hillary Smith and Stacia Rena Snowberger, people smiling, people standing and indoor Something a little more recent of just the girls.

     In high school, I starting attending our church's youth group and found Jesus on September 15, 1999. Ironically, this is close to my book's projected release date!!

     I started taking classes in Library Technical studies in the mid-2000's but was unable to finish due to finances. Later, I was able to get a job at a library!!

     In 2010 I married my handsome husband Greg and became stepmother to four children (yes, I said four).

Image may contain: 2 people, people standing Look how dapper he is! He's all mine, ladies. ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

Image may contain: 6 people, including Christina McCarty, Jessica McCarty, Greg Mccarty and Devonna McCarty, people smiling, plant, tree, outdoor and nature From a couple of years ago. But seriously, aren't they the cutest?

     As for my writing journey, I have always loved books! I mean, who doesn't, right? The first author I remember thinking of as my favorite was Scott O'Dell. He wrote all these great historical fiction books for kids. A lot of them had to with Native Americans, which became something I was really interested in for a long time.
     In middle school I became a reading nut. Nobody gets through that time of their life without some level of social awkwardness. I was always super shy. I basically survived middle school by keeping my nose in a book.
     I switched my reading interests to nonfiction in mid-high school, reading a lot of books by Christian authors. This was also the time when I began to write short stories and poetry. I even won a prize for a poem through our district youth group's fine arts program.
     After that I became an adult. You know how it goes, responsibilities and work (and more schooling) eat up your extra time. So I rarely wrote. I read still though not as much. Eventually, I found a Christian fiction author I liked and read as many of her books as I could get my hands on.
     At some point I decided it was time to try and write a book. It took me three years. By the time I was done and began looking into how to get it published, I concluded that it would be better to consider that book a trial run and try again.
     So that's what I did. I researched (both for my book and how to get it published) and I wrote. I made sure I wrote regularly and for large chunks at a time. It took me one year to complete "A Desperate Love." It's been a wild journey and it's not over yet!! I can't wait to see what's in store and to share my "baby" with you. I hope you will all love it as much as I do!

God bless! And never stop pursuing your dreams!

Love always,
J ๐Ÿ’™


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