Speaking the Truth in Love

Ephesians 4:15(AMP)

15 But speaking the truth in love [in all things—both our speech and our lives expressing His truth], let us grow up in all things into Him [following His example] who is the Head—Christ.

     Have you ever had someone try to convince you of a truth (be it real or perceived), and found yourself mentally shutting down their every word? They meant well. They we're only trying to help, right? They may have even been correct and you agreed (inwardly) with them. But something about the way they said it left you with that ick feeling. 
     I've heard it said before that our communication is more nonverbal than verbal. Our tone and body language say a lot. If I tell you that I love you, and smile when I say it, you're likely to believe me. If I say it with a heap of sarcasm, our exchange is going to be very different. 
     As believers we are to be bearers of truth. But who wants to hear that truth if we come off as know-it-alls? Who cares what we believe if our tone is condescending? Why bother speaking something into someone's life if our conversation goes from life-giving to argumentative? 
“People don’t care how much you know, until they know how much you care.”
     We can, and should, speak in a way that conveys truth but doesn't make someone feel like we're beating them over the head with our words. This can be so hard when we feel passionate about something. Why can't they see my point of view, we wonder. But always, we should be following our Example of truth and love. It's not our responsibility to make others believe. It's our job to be a living embodiment of loving-truth. And in a world where kindness and seeing the beauty in others is rare, we could all use a little more of this.
     So I challenge you, and myself, to give a little more patience. To let someone know that you're their friend despite your different values. Maybe even turn off the news for one day and write out a few positive things you've experienced in your week. Hold tightly to the truth and don't swerve from it. But see everyone through Jesus's eyes while you do it.
Love, J


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