Movie Quotes

     Growing up, my dad could insert a movie quote into any conversation or situation the same way a comedian can land a perfectly timed one-liner. Dad would tell a joke and follow it up by saying something like, "I made a funny!" Those of you who grew up in the nineties will remember this line given by Splinter (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles). It was something we kids picked up on and did too. Unfortunately, I'm not as quick with it as I used to be. So, in light of Father's Day, here are a few--because I have a lot--of my favorite ones (from movies and TV).

     "Don't you love New York in the fall? It makes me wanna buy school supplies. I would send you a bouquet of newly sharpened pencils if I knew your name and address."
--Joe Fox, You've Got Mail

Emma: What are you doing? We need a plan.
Regina: I have one. Gold still has a nose. I still have a fist.
--Once Upon a Time

     How about the scene in The Princess Bride when they light Fezzik's coat on fire? Andre the Giant's large stature and deep voice were so great in this scene. "I am the Dread Pirate Roberts. There will be no survivors . . . The Dread Pirate Roberts is here for your souls!"

**Side note: My dad was laughing hysterically one morning as he read his Bible. "Hey Jess, come here." He pointed out a line in the verse he had just read. ". . . There will be no survivors . . . (see Obadiah 1:18, NIV) Who says God doesn't have a sense of humor?
**P.S. This movie is SO quotable. I could really quote anything and be satisfied.

Dr. Ian Malcolm: When ya gotta go, ya gotta go.
--Jurassic Park

**Who's ready to see Fallen Kingdom.  [Raises hand.] "Me, me!"

Elizabeth: Perhaps Mr. Collins has a cousin.
--Pride and Prejudice, 2005

**All the P&P fans say, "Eww!"

When Robert questioned why everyone in a Disney movie was singing (Come on, Robert. Really?). "I've never heard this song. Oh, he knows the song, too?"

"Our love fern. You let it die!"
--Andie, How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days

**This movie is the perfect Rom Com.

--Chuck Noland, Cast Away

**This scene always gets me. It makes me feel like a crazy person to cry over a volleyball. A volleyball. I can't help it. So sad.

     Continuing with one word quotes, how about the scene in Robin Hood when Lady Marian cries out, "Robin!!!"? Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio delivers this line so well. For me, this is one of the greatest romance movies ever. There's so much more than romance here: history, castles, action, really wonderful acting. And Kevin Costner! Who doesn't love a movie with Kevin Costner? Don't even get me started on Dances With Wolves!

Elliot: [Singing] Once there was a magical elf, who lived in a rainbow tree. He lived downstairs from a flatulent dwarf, who constantly had to pee.
--Open Season

"Is it tasty? Is it juicy?"
--Gollum, (Um, one of the Hobbit movies.)

**My husband and I both love this scene. "My precious." "Shut up!"

Donkey: I'm going to need some serious therapy after this. Look at my eye twitching.

Penny: I know you think you're explaining yourself, but you're really not.
--Big Bang Theory

**I like to use this one when my hubs tries to explain sports terms to me using other sports terms.

Ma: [To a woman in a sleeveless dress] That's a pretty dress you've got on. Too bad the top wasn't finished in time for the party.
--Ma and Pa Kettle Go To Town

**My mom introduced us kids to this funny black and white movie put out in 1950. I usually quote it when I see a person (on TV or in real life) who really should put more clothes on. I misquote it, however. "Too bad they didn't finish her dress in time for the party."

     The next one is really a quote from my brother. If you've seen Lion King you're familiar with the opening song "Circle of Life." It has some African based language at the beginning. Of course, kids want to sing along, even if they don't know the words. So my brother made up his own: Pink pajamas, penguins on the bottom. Pink pajamas, penguins on the bottom. To this day, this is how I sing it. There is no other option.

Lloyd: Wanna hear the most annoying sound in the world? Waa-aaahhhh!!!
--Dumb and Dumber

Michelle Tanner: Wait for me! I have little legs.
--Full House

**Same, Michelle. Same.

     Well, I hope you've enjoyed a small sampling of my favorites. (I really could go on and on! [Sings loudly and badly] "And my heart will go on and on!")

     P.S. When I was in the fifth grade, I could quote/sing pretty much the entire Little Mermaid movie. I blame Disney and Jody Benson (the voice of Ariel) for being a thirty-something adult who has no shame over the fact that she's still obsessed with Disney princess movies. 
"A princess does not set her weapons on the table." --Queen Elinor, Brave (Had to get one more in. Sorry, not sorry.)

Love, J💚


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