"The Siren" and Safe Havens

"Take a deep breath, Kahlen. Hold on tight."
This week I've been reading "The Siren" by Kiera Cass. It's a favorite of author Sara Ella's. So I thought, why not? Can I tell you, I am self-proclaimed book picky? It took me probably two weeks and the first four or five chapters to get into this book. But once I started, well, now I can't put it down!
Kahlen is a siren. Like every siren before her, she was about to drown at sea, but the Ocean saw something special in her and saved her. She was given the choice to serve the Ocean for a hundred years (she may resume a normal life afterward) or die. She chose to serve and has spent decades singing on a yearly basis to "feed" the Ocean. As her one hundred year sentence (of being stuck in an indestructible body, paused at the age of nineteen) comes to a close, she falls for a boy.
This becomes an incredibly complicated situation considering that if she laughs, talks, or sings, it causes the hearer to immediately throw themselves into the nearest body of water. And though Kahlen pretends she can't speak, trouble still comes.
I haven't finished this one yet--so please, no spoilers!--but it is lovely.❤ I'm just hoping there's some way for Kahlen and Akinli to be together, or I will probably toss this book across the room.
Lately I've been thinking on Psalms 107:29-30 (NIV). It reads:
"He stilled the storm to a whisper; the waves of the sea were hushed.
They were glad when it grew calm, and he guided them to their desired haven."
I love this. Not only does God still the storm, hush the waves, and make things grow calm. As if it were not already enough that he removed the thing that troubled and frightened them, He takes them to a haven, a refuge, a place that is safe. Even beyond that, He takes them to their desired haven.
He didn't take them to any safe place. He took them to the one they desired. I have to wonder if that was a place of comfort, a place that was home or felt like home.
Just pondering this. I think it's really beautiful and comforting. I encourage you to read all of Psalm 107. It's really good! 🙂
Don't forget!
A Desperate Love comes out September 18. That's less than six weeks away!
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