Happy Friday, friends! Do you ever have a weird week? Maybe strange is a better word. This week we are celebrating Christmas with my in-laws, before they go back to Florida. We're having pizza for Christmas. My question is: What kind of dessert do you serve for Pizza Christmas? Should I serve pumpkin pie? Iced Christmas cookies? π
My hubs also cracked the windshield on his car this week. He wasn't sure what hit it, but he took Tuesday off of work so someone could come fix it . . . only to have to take Thursday off as well, because the whole windshield needed replaced.
Like I said, strange week.
I finished The Story Peddler and I'm anxiously awaiting the sequel, due out next year. This is a sweet little story. I enjoyed reading it. And it has a pirate! Um, yay!

Right now, I'm reading Waking Beauty by Sarah E. Morin. It's a retelling of Sleeping Beauty.

It is taking me longer to read this particular book. Don't get me wrong, I do like it. But it is 467 pages. π§
It honestly reminds me a bit of The Princess Bride. The author uses more humor than authors I normally read. The prince, Arpien, is from a kingdom that prides itself on elaborate bowing and flowery speeches. Arpien employs a number of bows to impress his princess (who is less than impressed), such as the Half Bow of the Potential Wooer Upon First Stage Introductions.

Unfortunately for Arpien, not only is Brierly not falling in love with him, she thinks she's still asleep. What's a prince to do?
I don't know either. I'll have to finish it first and find out. π
This Week I'm Watching:
The pilot episode aired this week. It stars Josh Dallas (aka Prince Charming on Once Upon a Time). Josh's character, his sister, and his son take a later flight than the rest of their family. They experience extreme turbulence on the flight. When they land, they discover they've been gone for five years and their families thought they were dead.
All I can say is, watch this!
That, and why is Josh always in shows where one of his children ages and he doesn't? These are the questions we need to be asking, people.
Banned Books Week:
This week is a celebration of the freedom to read whatever we want! π
Word I Discovered This Week:
(And used in my WIP.)
Merriam-Webster defines it as "gloomy" and "causing gloom or darkness."
Not a happy sounding word, but when you're describing evil and villains, you need a word that does the job.

Don't forget to pick up your copy of A Desperate Love from Amazon! Already have a copy? It would make a great Christmas gift!
If you know me, and live in the area, I'd even be willing to sign it for you. π
And for those of you who can enter my gift basket giveaway (family aren't eligible, sorry), you have until October 11 to enter. The winner will be announced October 12.

If you haven't picked up your free key chain (available at the Flora Library), don't wait! There were seven left yesterday. They're going fast!
Favorite Quote This Week:
"For demons, knowing their own weakness, for this reason formerly set men to make war against one another, lest, if they ceased from mutual strife, they should turn to battle against demons."
--Saint Athanasius
J <3
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