
Hey friends! I hope y'all's week is going well. I had a head cold and a flat tire myself. But, silver linings, the hubs got my tire fixed and bought me this awesome shirt. So he wins the most-awesome-husband of the week award in my book.

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Thing I'm reading this week:

Fawkes by Nadine Brandes

I feel like I've been saying this forever. I'm only forty-eight pages away from finishing. It's getting really good, the kind of good where you don't want to put it down!

I spent the first part of the book thinking two things:
1. That I wanted to tell the other characters to be nice to Thomas.
2. That I wished his father would give the poor kid his mask already!

Let me tell you, when Thomas finally gets his mask--It. Is. Epic.
*Lots of girly squealing.*

Fawkes is an historical fantasy based on the Gun Powder Plot that occurred in seventeenth century London. The fantasy aspect is that the characters have magical color masks.

Thomas has the plague (in this story it literally turns one to stone) and is kicked out of color school when his father fails to show up for his color test with his mask. Thomas decides to search for his father, the famous Guy Fawkes, and to get his mask. He finds himself in the middle of a Keeper plot to assassinate the king of England.

There is also a sweet romance in this story. Enter the smart and strong Emma, who has problems and secrets of her own.

I'm excited to read Nadine's next book, Romanov, another historical fantasy. It is a twist on the life of Anastasia. And--eep!--Anastasia, need I say more?

Quotes . . .

Be seekers of the answers and the truth. To be above influence and opinions of the outspoken.

But when I looked at Emma, I wanted to be her. There was life and fullness and rightness about her color skills that came from White Light.


Thing I'm listening to this week:

Burn the Ships, For King and Country

Guuuys! Watch the official video. You will see right off why I love it. Lyrics aside, the video feels like a movie. A ship, the ocean, period costumes. It's not piratey, but close enough.

So light a match, leave the past, burn the ships.
And don't you look back.

Awesome lyrics, right?šŸ’–


Thing I'm doing later:

Checking out the Sky in the Deep Eaudio book I borrowed on my phone.

I don't really like audio books. But since I read this book twice, I thought I'd give it another try. If it doesn't make me a believer, nothing will.


Today's Writing Session:

I finished Chapter thirty-nine of my WIP. Yes, you heard me correctly. The last two chapters have taken me awhile as they are a crucial part of the story. Plus, I didn't have them fully formed in my mind. Then there were a few spots where I did some rewriting, trying to tweak it a little and make it better.

At this point, I'm really thinking it will be two books. I consider this, all the characters and plot lines, and I think what I thought while editing A Desperate Love. What. Have. I. Done?

I think that may be a good thing, feeling a little in over my head on occasion. Like, "What am I doing?" That's the perfect place for Jesus to step in, in my opinion.

*Whispers* Jesus, please, step in.

Do you ever hear someone say something and your mind immediately pops over to a movie or song quote? I do. Once in a while that happens while I write.

*Reads own writing.*
*Sings Bohemian Rhapsody."

"(Let him go!) . . . We will not let you go."

Anyway, I'll leave that there.

Have a great week, friends, and a blessed turkey day!
Love always, JšŸ’™


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