Fall & Writing Breakthroughs


Shortly after last week's blog, I took this photo. Unfortunately, I am unable to share a photo of the red trees. We got a lot of wind. Then, this morning, we had snow!

I know it's Indiana, but I was working in the yard in a sweatshirt twenty-four hours ago. Oh, beautiful Fall, why must you be so short?

At least it gives me plenty of reasons to wear my knee boots and sweaters, drink lots of coffee, and bundle up with a blanket and a good book.


I'm still reading Fawkes.

Don't get me wrong, I like this book. Sometimes I plow through books in a few days, sometimes longer.

This is just one of those books I'm reading at a leisurely pace.

But I do need to pick up the pace because I'm likely to get two new books today. 😐


On the subject of books (When am I not on this subject on this blog?), I penciled in two writing days this week.

I got my wax melter going, my coffee ready. I've been beginning with a bit of scripture reading and prayer beforehand, which is great. I think I'm finally getting past that hump.

Things feel a little less like trudging through mud. However, this is definitely turning into two books. There are too many characters and subplots for me to let this go yet.

My writing mood music has been "Fight at a Carnival" on Ambient Mixer.

With a little prayer, music, and the scent of passion fruit, I'm making strides. I was so happy the other day when I stopped writing to make dinner . . . I had to pause a number of times, dry my hands, and run to the post-it notes to jot a few ideas down. I love the moments when inspiration hits. I can't get to the paper fast enough.
 Praise Jesus! 💖


QOTD (or week):

Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.
--Albert Camus

Have a great weekend!

Blessings, J


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