What do you believe about you?

Happy Thursday, friends!

This week has flown by. Hubs and I got back Monday from a short vacation. Tomorrow I have a conference for work.

"Busy, busy, busy. In the best possible sense."
--Paolo, The Princess Diaries

Therefore, I am doing my blog today, just to fit it in.

Cool thing that happened this week:

I reached 100 followers on Instagram! What?!

I actually waited to share this because my number of followers went down when I reached the nineties. Probably a good idea considering I went from 104 to 102 after deciding to post this. 🤣


Hubs and I took a short trip down south to stay at a hotel and see a comedy act. Shout out to the young ones for the tickets! We rested and ate yummy food. I discovered I am a breakfast person, but only if someone else is doing the cooking.


"Replace fear of the unknown with curiosity."

I found this quote online a week ago. I'm not actually sure where it's from, Google says Penelope Ward (with a couple other names tossed in).

Book I recently finished:

A Nym Story

This is an eNovella preorder goodie from my purchase of Mary Weber's To Best the Boys.

That ending!
Such a cliffhanger.💖

Speaking of preorder goodies, I still haven't dived into my TBtB playlist. So while I don't have a new song to share this week, I'm certain I'll have a few good ones coming up!

Currently re-reading:

Siren's Song by Mary Weber

I'd hoped to have this trilogy finished before I dived into the eNovella. But I couldn't wait! I read the entire thing last night (in one sitting).

The current plan is to finish this book and get back to my TBR, because there are so many books on my list!


I was listening to a podcast called The Gathering Place last week and was really moved by it. Their guest was Chris Stefanick. The topic was identity and lies we believe about ourselves.

Chris stated that he believes most of us have a "primary lie" that we believe about ourselves. He said it often runs contrary to who we are because the devil wants to stop God's plan for our lives.

Then Chris prayed and had the listeners ask God what their lie is, followed by thinking about what God actually says about you. You guys, you should do this!

My answer was surprising, and nearly immediate.
I sensed right away that I was telling myself, "I can't." A second later a verse came to mind.

Philippians 4:13 (KJV, emphasis mine)
"I can do all things through Christ who strengeneth me."

Try this, seriously!
And wouldn't you know, I've felt tested with this since then. My anxiety has ramped up.
Panic mode: I can't, I can't, I can't.

No, I CAN do all things . . .
I need to write this on an index card in big bold letters, y'all.

Have a great week, guys. Believe what God says about you!

Love, J <3


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