Arr, Pirates!

I'm in the planning stages of another Instagram giveaway.
One lucky person will receive a copy of my book, along with other goodies, one of which is a Desperate Love playlist bookmark!

Details to come.
Stay tuned!

In that spirit, I thought it would be fun to do a pirate themed blog post. Who's ready to get their pirate on, mateys?

Pirate Movies

*Pirates of the Caribbean
I've only seen one of them, but it was thoroughly entertaining!

*The Princess Bride
Highly recommend!

Need I say more?

*Peter Pan
(animated Disney version)


*Once Upon a Time
Sadly over, but you can purchase all seven seasons on DVD. Killian Jones is my favorite Hook of all time.
Five stars!


*The Princess Bride by William Goldman
I didn't like it nearly as well as the movie. My opinion. Please don't shun me.

*As You Wish by Cary Elwes (the actor who portrays Westley)
Nonfiction. A delightful behind-the-scenes look at the making of The Princess Bride.

*Unraveling (Book 2 in the Unblemished trilogy)
Love me some Ky. He's such a squishy cinnamon roll.

*Peter Pan by J.M. Barrie

*The Old Pirate of Central Park by Robert Priest
A super cute children's book.

*P is for Pirate: A Pirate Alphabet by Eve Bunting
A picture book that teaches letters and history. Parents: please read ahead of time to gauge age appropriateness, otherwise you will find out "F is for flogging" along with your child.

*The Story Peddler by Lindsay A. Franklin
(Book 1 in the Weaver trilogy)
I need more Mor!

*Pirates by Angus Konstam
Nonfiction. This is the book where I first learned Vikings were a form of pirates, which played a lot into the details of who Odo was in A Desperate Love.


*Yo Ho (A Pirate's Life for Me)
The song for the Pirates of the Caribbean ride at Disney.

*Revenge is Gonna Be Mine
Hook's song on the Once Upon a Time musical episode.

*Blow the Man Down
If you visit YouTube, you can find the clip of the Big Bang Theory episode where Penny and Sheldon sing this sea shanty while making Penny Blossoms.

Have a blessed weekend!


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