Good Deeds
My husband text me this week to tell me he found the origin of the wasps we've been getting in our dining room.
It's between our inside and outside door.
We were literally walking under a wasp nest any time we entered or exited our home and had no clue. It's amazing none of us were stung!
My sweet husband went outside last night and used a whole can of wasp spray on the darn thing. He came inside and said, "Well, it's gone. I did my good deed for the day." It got me to thinking, is there a limit to good deeds? I mean, that is the saying, as if doing one is sufficient.
And what exactly qualifies as a good deed?
I think most of us believe a good deed is something big or unusual, like helping someone move or pet sitting your friend's horse size dog. It's no wonder we don't think of doing them until we've already done them. "I've done my good deed for the day!"
Can I present a twist on this?
I don't think a good deed has to be big. We can do kind things in a million little ways. And by doing them small, they might become less intimidating. We might do them more often!
(Preaching to the choir up in here.)
So, I did some brain storming and realized I'm already doing kind things. I'm just not being intentional about them. That said, let me toss out a few ideas/suggestions for good deed doing (AKA acts of kindness).
It might be the only source of joy in someone's day.
*Give a compliment.
*Say "thank you."
*Hold a door for someone.
*Exercise patience while driving.
No advice offered, just a listening ear.
(Only when appropriate, and with pro-hug individuals.)
*Offer encouragement.
*Do a chore someone else usually does.
*Share something uplifting on social media.
A cute puppy video, a Bible verse, a meme that made you laugh until you cried.
*Send a text, letter, postcard, smoke signal (not really).
*Tip generously when you can.
*Bake cookies and bring them to work.
I really don't think kindness is as hard as we make it out to be sometimes. Remembering to do kind acts on purpose, that's a bit tougher.
Let me know your ideas!
I'd love to hear them.💙
What I'm reading this week:
Timeline by Michael Crichton
I'm in a bit of a reading funk. All the books on my TBR are checked out, aren't out yet, or are too new to put on hold.
*Le sigh.*
The book I was reading wasn't doing it for me. After an online discussion of sci-fi books, specifically Crichton, I decided to give Timeline a chance. I haven't read any of his books since high school, so we'll see. Seriously, this feels a little risky, yes?
For those of you who don't know, Michael Crichton is the author of Jurassic Park.
Timeline revolves around technology, time travel, and the 14th century. I love historical fiction, specifically the Middle Ages. It seemed like a good book to try. I guess I'll find out.
It starts off with a couple finding an elderly man wandering the desert. The man isn't all there, rhyming and singing from the back seat of the couple's car.
"A nut by any other name would smell like feet."
Maybe I'm weird. I find it amusing.
Have a great week, friends!
May it be filled with satisfying reads and joy inducing songs.
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