Take Time to Play

 "Have regular hours for work and play; make each day both useful and pleasant."

--Louisa May Alcott

Play:  (Noun) exercise or activity for amusement or recreation. (dictionary.com)

Do you take time for play? Trust me, it's something you need to work into your schedule. Consider this blog post permission to play. Go for a bike ride. Take a walk. Blast your favorite music and dance. Play a board game. Make art.

Still not convinced? Check out episode S09 E16 of the "Abiding Together" podcast.

Currently reading . . .

Shadow by Kara Swanson

Heirs of Neverland, Bk. 2

YA Fantasy

"Conner had healing to do, deep healing, and it wasn't the kind of thing one could do with magic."

I love how Kara handled mental health topics with truth and grace. A wonderful conclusion to the series!

Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

Regency Romance

"You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you."

I mean, swoon.💙

Currently listening to . . .

"Poor Me Out" by Brandon Lake

"Lost" by Dermot Kennedy

"And if you could only see yourself in my eyes

You'd see you shine, you shine"

"Outnumbered" by Dermot Kennedy

"I'll come for you, if you just stay where you are

And I'll always hold your hand in the car"

Basically, I'm listening to all the Dermot Kennedy. These are just my top two at the moment. Can you blame me? The lyrics are 😍 + 😭.

Thankful for . . .

The heating pad Hubs bought me a couple of years ago. It's a lifesaver when my back is acting up!


--J ♡


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