Two Babies & a Wedding
My husband and I recently took a trip to Ohio for the second eldest's wedding. We rented an SUV and piled our luggage, selves, the youngest two, and our first grandbaby in. If you don't know, my husband has four children. While I worked in childcare for many years, babysat growing up, and have a few stepchildren, I don't have kids of my own. I took a bag and filled it with goodies I planned to eat in the hotel room but ended up passing out water bottles and snack bars on the trip there. Talk about mom vibes! It was such a blessing and worked out well. I totally plan to do it again in the future.
As for the big day, it was perfect weather for a fall wedding. Husband and I watched little man while his mom got her hair and makeup done. We got to spend some time with my in-laws, whom we hadn't seen in a while. Not long after we arrived home, my husband got a text that another daughter was engaged. Then the eldest, who was supposed to be induced soon, went into labor early. Whew! Needless to say, these kids are keeping us on our toes!🤣
That said, I'm slowly gathering things to turn our small dining room into a playroom. I have some shelves, a crate, a mini library, and a dinosaur pillow. Did I mention both grandbabies are boys? I think plastic dinosaurs will be my next purchase.🦎😉
Reading . . .
Drift: Willa & Koy: A Narrows Novella by Adrienne Young
YA Fantasy
Night of the Raven, Dawn of the Dove by Rati Mehrotra
YA Fantasy
Sacred Rest: Finding the Sabbath in the Everyday by Cheryl Wunderlich
The Unexpected Legacy of Divorce: The 25 Year Landmark Study by Julia M. Lewis
Enjoying . . .
Recently, I started transitioning to a more natural hair care routine. You may remember my blog post about using cornstarch and cocoa as a dry shampoo. One purchase I made was a bottle of aloe. I've been using it in place of styling products. It's not perfect, but it does a decent job. I tried to find the most natural form of aloe I could and ended up getting a brand called Green Leaf Naturals (available on Amazon). I've been using it as a face moisturizer as well since my skin is dry but breaks out fairly easily.
Rachel Maksy's YouTube channel. Rachel has videos on vintage fashion and hair, sewing, and cosplay. You can also find home decorating/renovations, closet purges, and get-ready-with-me videos.
Writing Update . . .
Yesterday, I finally hit 20,000 words in my draft. I'm a bit behind in my weekly word count goals. But I knew that would happen. Between vacation, putting in extra hours at work, babies, and upcoming holidays, it was kind of inevitable. I plan to keep that word count up while remembering to be gentle with myself.
J ♡
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