Line Edits, Cozy Books, & Homemade Tortillas🌮

 As of yesterday, I've completed line edits for eleven of fifty-three chapters. While that doesn't sound like a lot, most of my chapters are three to five pages. Theoretically, they should go pretty fast. However, it always takes me ten times as long to do edits as I think it will.🙈😂If I get this book completed by fall, it will be late fall. However, I foresee it being later than that, much to my dismay. But I'd rather push the release out and take the time the story deserves than rush the process. I'll keep everyone posted via the blog and my socials.

Reading . . . 

I didn't really read anything new in September. I had at least two books that I started reading but didn't finish. This year I've been drawn to soft romances and rereading my favorites (of varying genres). I'm not exactly sure why this is. I'm wondering if finding a cozy fantasy or two might help. This month I reread Spells for Forgetting by Adrienne Young. It has all the fall vibes. And you all know how much I adore her stories. My second read was Practice Makes Perfect by Sarah Adams. It hasn't been that long since I read this one, but it was the first of her books that I read. Since I've read all of them, I decided to circle back.😉

Enjoying . . . 

I sort of feel like I should just change this section to "YouTube Channels I'm Currently Obsessed With."😆The first is Andrea's Fashion Galaxy. For the most part, I've only been watching her Shorts. Basically, it's Andrea taking different pieces and styling them. Her style is definitely different from mine. But I'm hoping maybe I'll start putting better outfits together through osmosis.

The other channel I've been watching is Mountain Mama's Home, which I've added it to my subscribed channels. Shayla shares about homesteading, scratch cooking, homemaking, faith, and homeschooling. Last week, I had fajitas on the list for dinner. It was only later that I realized I only had two tortillas in the fridge. I really, really didn't want to go to the store just for tortillas. I remembered Shayla making homemade tortillas and googled a recipe. The finished product was a little thick, but they tasted great. Plus, they were freshly made and warm. Something I'd like to try again for sure!




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